Post-Election 2016, cont.

My biggest fears about the forthcoming Trump presidency, Part One: What impact will his actions have on our First Amendment rights. I worry very much about the press, which he’s so vilified and which many of his followers have become hostile towards, and how they’ll be able to cover his administration effectively. Will journalists be intimidated, threatened, and brow-beaten into treating him with kid gloves? And how soon will his followers start calling his critics like me “traitors” who should be jailed for “treason”? I’m calling it right now. It’s disturbing that his followers who are oh-so-dedicated to the Second Amendment might have absolutely no problem trampling on the First.

And what does it even mean when people say we all need to “come together” now? Does that mean we can’t question the new President? Does that mean that those of us who didn’t vote for him—and who outnumbered those who did nationwide, never forget—need to shut up and go to the back of the room? Just seems like a hollow thing to say. I’m willing to give Trump a chance, but I’m not willing to fall in line if I think what he’s doing is detrimental.

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